What Is The Procedure For Dental Braces Placement?

Braces are removable or fixed orthodontic devices commonly used to repair various defects in teeth, such as bite and tooth alignment. The braces can be attached to the bottom, top, or both sides depending on the type of correction required.

There are several stages associated with placing a dental procedure, including:

Initial consultation: This is the first step and includes initial decay, X-rays of the mouth and teeth, and discussion of the dental history. Cosmetic dentistry for dental braces in Singapore involves a variety of activities, from X-rays to fungi, to give the appearance of the teeth, to have a clear view of the problem, and therefore to choose the right / best course of action.

Placement: Applying etching to the attached tooth so that the cement can adhere to the tooth surface, fixing the brackets to the tooth with dental cement. Firmly pull the jaw or tooth in the desired direction and close the bite mark.

Adjust braces

Here the braces are adjusted periodically so that the teeth can move in the right direction. 

After treatment

This is the final step in wearing braces after the braces are removed to prevent the teeth from coming back because the gums and bones need more time to stabilize. 

These braces can be used in conjunction with other types of orthodontic appliances to widen the jaw or roof of the mouth, create space between the teeth, and shape the jaw and teeth. Usually, braces apply pressure to the teeth, moving them in the direction needed to achieve the correct bite and alignment.