Tag Archives: Termite service

Drywood Termites – What Is The Difference?

Do you live in the southern United States, on the Gulf Coast, in Arizona, or on the coast of California? If so, you may be susceptible to dry wood termites. The costs of drywood termite operation can vary from state to state.

Drywood Termites - What Is The Difference?

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Dry wood termites

Drywood termites are a class of termites that live on dry wood.  Because of this, dry wood termite colonies grow slowly and are smaller than other large termite colonies. But don't be fooled. They can cause as much damage to termites as other types of termites.

They like to eat soft spring wood and follow the grooves of trees. Look for these features in your home to see if you have an infection.

Breeding termites are called swarms or tools. They can have wings or even be wingless. The coloration of these reproductive termites can vary from light yellow to yellowish, and the color of their wings can be clear or even light gray. 

Drywood termites get their nutrition from the cellulose found in wood. This is achieved by using a special enzyme to break down the absorbent material of immature cellulose so that it can be absorbed and then shared with young termites, soldiers, and breeding termites.

There are also localized or termite spot treatments that can be done. This can use chemicals or it can be completed by non-chemical means as well. Some of the chemical examples include silica gel dusts, liquid nitrogen and liquid organophosphates. Nonchemical means include microwave devices as well as high voltage electricity.