Tag Archives: Qualified Anxiety Counselor

PTSD – What Are Behavioral Aftereffects of Trauma?

Do you find yourself repeatedly experienced the same kind of stress again and again? This article will add to the list of possible behavioral effects of trauma. Below are some behavioral aftereffects of trauma:

Coercion Repetition

Trauma victims often repeat dramas and sometimes, the characteristics of their trauma. Psychoanalysts suggest that this happens because of the desire to create again and create a different ending, but recent research shows that other factors may be more important is the chemistry involved. 

The traumatic brain became accustomed to the neurochemistry of trauma and urged victims to repeat it, like an addicted user to continue using the drug. You can get trauma counseling in Nanaimo at https://www.therapyplace.ca/emdr-for-trauma-and-ptsd.

Trauma Therapy & Counseling Services in Dallas, Texas

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Substance Abuse

Speaking of drugs, survivors of trauma often self-medicate with alcohol, drugs, food, and other addictive substances. Its addictive behavior is an attempt to control the feelings that seem out-of-control and that biochemistry described above.


Self-injury is a behavior calmed down most of the time for congratulations, not an effort to violence.

Being Compulsive Busy

Trauma victims are often overwhelmed by the intensity of feelings that arise when they are quiet and silent, and often when they are not. They also wanted to avoid the intrusive thoughts and memories. One of the conscious avoidance techniques is keeping themselves busy.


The Couples Counselling Mends Damaged Relationships

There are very few relationships in the world today who manage to steer their course through a rich tapestry of life without encountering some problems along the way. In many cases, the split that developed between the couple was quite small and start over something rather trivial. But it is when they go overlooked that this small issue can be rooted and form the beginning of a growing divide that can break a couple wide.

Couples counseling is a way to bring both sides back together again and enabling them, through the intermediary of professional board members, to discuss the issue in a more rational way. With the help of couples counseling, it's always the chance that the bridge repairs, but without it, things will only go from bad to worse.

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A couple’s counseling facilitates communication. The couple who manage to revoke the courage to go for counseling relationship has actually already taken the first step on the road to repair the damage. Relationships need love to make them work; without the pressure and stress of modern life today would exert enough tension to challenge even the patience of a saint, and it is under constant pressure is that a gap may begin to appear in the strongest relationship.

Couples counseling will help you to focus on the core strengths of your relationship. This is really an effective tool. If there are any residual feelings remaining on both sides of relationships, good counseling will allow both understanding and compassion. It is always worth considering how your relationship started; joy, passion, hope, and dreams. relationship counseling will help you to relive that feeling, but it also will help you to appreciate the subtle changes that occur as the relationship grows.