Tag Archives: photography supplies australia

Advantages Of Chromakey Backdrop

Chroma key green screen backgrounds are becoming more and more popular in video and photography, as they offer a realistic illusion of another scene. They can be used to create an interesting background for videos or photos, or to add a sense of realism to a video or photo. In order to create a chroma key green screen background, you will need some supplies. You will need a green screen backdrop, white seamless paper, and a chroma key software program. You can order chroma key backdrop via https://www.hypop.com.au/collections/chroma-key-backdrops.

To begin, you will need to set up your green screen backdrop. This can be done by hanging the backdrop on a wall or using standoffs to secure it in place. Make sure that the backdrop is large enough so that it covers the entire white seamless paper that you will use later.

Once your backdrop is set up, take your white seamless paper and place it on top of the backdrop. Make sure that the edges of the white seamless paper overlap slightly so that the background is completely covered.

Now it is time to start working with your chroma key software program. Download and install the program onto your computer. Once installed, open the program and select your green screen background from the list of available backgrounds.

It is important to note that each chroma key software program will have its own specific instructions for setting up your background, so make sure that you follow these instructions carefully. Once your background is set up correctly, it is time to start recording your video or photo using your camera or camcorder.

Choosing a Right Photography Lighting Kit

All photographers are concerned how best they can capture their subject and how best they can propagate a certain theme or expression. To achieve any of these ends a photographer needs to get the best tools of the trade depending on what the job at hand requires. 

Photography lighting is an essential part of getting the ideal end product as well as capturing the mood; therefore it is important to have the proper kit. There are myriad tools and equipment needed for this job, but there are the vital ones that every studio photographer should have.

The studio umbrella is also an essential part of the photography lighting kit. Give that the contrasts attained in a photo determines the achievement of that photograph, the umbrella functions in enhancing this comparison buy reflecting way the otherwise bright photo lights.

Have a mix of both continuous lighting as well as the interval lights. The latter sort of lighting allows you to prepare the fluorescent bulb and you can go on shooting without having to switch the lights off and on. 

This type is fantastic if the subject of the photograph only requires mono-lighting or an unchanging theme. On the other hand the interval lighting corresponds with the camera in such a way that the lights are controlled at different times to bring out the intensity and various themes of the photograph's subject.