Tag Archives: modest swimwear

Tips To Keeping Your Bathing Suit Looking Like New

The summer is here and taking advantage of the fun and sun is a popular time-spent. In these tough economic times, it can be difficult to find and change out your swimsuit each year. Maintaining your best bathing suit new and fresh will decrease the possibility that you have to buy a new one.

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These few ways to keep that bathing suit new will allow you to continue to wear it for many years.

Rough surfaces

The rough-textured surfaces on the ledges of the pool are intended to offer the appearance of traction. The stomping on the ledge will reduce the longevity of your bathing suit as it tugs at fabrics and fibers creating a rough appearance.


Cleaning your swimsuit is essential. If you are required to wash your clothes by machine using a mild detergent, do so with a gentle detergent, in the handcycle and only use cool water. A lingerie bag can also keep your outfit safe from damage by the machine


It damages fabrics and fades the colors. Do not use an electric dryer or put your clothes in the sunlight for drying. The sun's heat fades colors. Place your dress in the shade or in some sort of line inside the house.

Following these tips to keep your bathing suits looking fresh will enable you to continue wearing them for a long time.