Tag Archives: hazelnut oil

Filbert Oil Is Good For The Heart

In a nutshell, hazelnuts or filbert can be good for your heart. Studies have shown that people who eat filbert and filbert oil regularly are 50% more likely to survive a heart attack.

You may be surprised to learn that 60%-70% of raw filbert oil contains good fats. These fats are both monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, which are the healthy fats your body needs. 

Our society has programmed us into believing that all oils and fats are bad for our hearts. But this is not true. Our bodies would shut down if we didn't consume certain fats and oils. Monounsaturated and multi unsaturated oils are good for your heart health. They lower blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Vitamin E is a very important vitamin in hazelnuts. It's also good for all muscles in the body, including the heart. These oils do not prevent the breakdown of red blood cells but help to create them as well as other tissues.

The amino acid arginine, which is found in hazelnuts, helps relax blood vessels. They are also an excellent source of folate which helps prevent heart disease.

If you have ever had a heart attack or are suffering from high blood pressure, cholesterol, or other heart issues, you might want to research these nuts and make them part of your daily routine. You will be a blessing to your heart.