Tag Archives: chiropractic vaughan

Get Reflexology For Back Pain

Low back pain is a major cause of work absence, disability, and medical expenses. In the UK, it has been estimated that the annual direct health care costs of low back pain are approximately £ 1.6 billion, making back pain one of the most expensive medical conditions in the country.

At some point in their lives, the majority of the population is affected by back pain: the estimated lifetime prevalence of 60-80%. It is estimated that 50% of episodes of lower back pain is reduced within 4 weeks; however, 15-20% of patients still experience pain after 1 year. You can get reflexology in Vaughan from various internet sources.

Conventional medicine does not seem to manage the problem effectively, and this has led people to look for other forms of treatment, such as chiropractic or even reflexology.

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Reflexology is a manual technique of acupressure massage, which is practiced on the feet, hands, ears, and face. With more than 5000 years of existence in ancient cultures, reflexology is based on the premise that our bodies are reflected in miniature in the feet or hands.

Reflexology is not "recognized" by western medicine and there is limited research on this but this did not stop the reflexology of the growing army of users.

This therapy works with the human body and makes no claim to cure disease. Reflections on back pain relief are increasingly popular because it is a non-invasive therapy and actively promote relaxed clients to help this pain relief that can vary from mild to acute.

In fact, back pain is one of the areas of reflexology that has had such a positive effect and far-reaching that it has been a lot of research done in this area in the field of reflection of the other.