Tag Archives: best lawn care services

Easy Steps To Consider For Quality Lawn Care

Quality lawn care does not have to be costly no matter what people think. For some people, it seems that the word "quality" is synonymous with "price". However, quality lawn care can easily be achieved with a small amount of effort on your part. People equate the quality of the lawn with how green it is and how weed-free it appears. If your lawn well cares for it shows. You can also hire a landscaping professional to get residential landscaping in Baton Rouge via https://hdlawn225.com/lawn-landscape-maintenance/

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One of the main mistakes people make when considering quality lawn care is thinking that they need several expensive products to use on their lawn. 

1. Sharpen mower blade: Keeping your mower blade sharp is one of the easiest steps to quality lawn care. A sharp blade cuts cleanly, leaving healthy grass. A dull mower blade tears and shreds the top of the grass, allowing diseases to take root in your grass.

2. Raise the mower height: Cutting your grass extremely short is bad for it. When grass is kept too short, it spends all its energy growing more grass instead of establishing its root system. 

3. Use a mulching mower: Mulching mowers return the cut grass to the soil replacing needed nitrogen. This step can reduce the amount of fertilizer you may need on your lawn.

4. Plant grass seed appropriate for the area: Be sure that the grass you have on your lawn is appropriate for the area you live in. If it's necessary to replace the lawn with a different type of grass more suited to the area, you can do this gradually by overseeding the lawn with the correct type.

5. Overseed: Overseeding can be used as a method to change over the type of grass you have on your lawn. It can also be used to fill in thin areas and reduce the number of weeds you have on your lawn.

6. Deep-soaking watering when needed: If you find it necessary to water, consider one deep-soaking watering a week as opposed to several light waterings.